Archive for June, 2017
2017 Polish Fest
A Quick Polka Through the 2017 Polish Fest
36 Years of Celebrating Polish Heritage and Tradition
The 36th Polish Fest was again a memorable highlight of Wisconsin summer. The festival is held every year on the Summerfest grounds near Milwaukee’s lakefront and since its beginnings in 1982, it grew to become the largest event of its kind in the United States. The fest is a three-day long fête of Polish heritage attracting crowds with lively music, exuberant dance performances, folk art and crafts, eye-catching souvenirs, Polish cuisine and much, much more to do and see for different interests, tastes and ages.
The program of the 2017 Polish Fest included several events honoring the bicentennial of Tadeusz Kościuszko’s death commemorated this year all over the world. On Friday, Anne Gurnack, professor emerita from the UW-Parkside, delivered a talk on Kościuszko monuments and remembrances. On Sunday, a standing-room only forum took place presenting “Kościuszko From Three Perspectives” of historians John Gurda and Angela Pienkos – and the chairman of Milwaukee’s Kościuszko Monument Restoration Committee, Claude Krawczyk.
The fest-goers could also explore a great exhibit portraying details of Kościuszko’s life. The exhibit was expertly put together by two members of Polanki (the Polish Women Club of Milwaukee), Ewa Barczyk-Pease and Tamara Johnston.
The third speaker was Susan Mikos, also a member of Polanki, who presented the history of “Polish National Anthems through the Ages.” You could see her later volunteering in the Polanki’s tent filled to the bream with handmade Bolesławiec pottery, jewelry and Christmas ornaments. Polanki also showcased a display of amber artifacts and a 3D mural hand-painted by Margie Hess and depicting the Baltic Sea. While talking about educational displays, the fest attending public had also a chance to explore the “Frank Piasecki and Other Polish Aviation Designers” exhibit on loan from the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago.
The Polish American Congress – Wisconsin Division hosted a booth in the 2017 Polish Fest and many members generously volunteered to share their love for Polish culture and knowledge about our organization. In addition to Stan Grajewski adding an unforgettable accent to our presentation with his Kościuszko uniform, big thanks go also to Robert Bialecki, Danny Carlin, Doris Graiewski, Debbie and Jerry Halkoski, Jan and Dan Klosowski, Ann Pienkos (the coordinator for this event), Don Pienkos, Mark Pienkos, Steve Pienkos, David Rydzewski, Karen Wieckowski and Derek Zarzeczny). To see your smiling face in the volunteer column next year, sign up for the 2018 Polish Fest.
The white and red colors of the Polish flag reigned in the booths of other Polish organizations displaying their informational materials. These colors prevailed also in the clothes of the festival attending public and at the “Sukiennice Market Square” – where one could buy anything from Baltic amber jewelry to Lewandowski T-shirts. Polish craftwork could be purchased also in the tents of “Cultural Village” – with many handicrafts created by the attending folk artists right before the eyes of the onlookers. To round the picture, add to this a chance to pet the endearing Polish Tatra sheepdogs, learn about Polish breeds of rabbits and chickens, gaze at the nightly fireworks and watch the excitement accompanying the Polish Fest pageants (held in three age categories: little, pre-teen and teen) and other shows for kids.
Children were also delightful to watch as dancers in about every folk dance ensemble – all performing in the superbly colorful Polish folk costumes. Most dance groups arrived from Illinois (Hejnal, Lajkonik, Mali Hyrni, Mali Kościeliscanie, Wesoly Lud, Whispers and Wici) and one from Michigan (PNA Centennial Dancers). Yet Milwaukee’s own Syrena made the lasting impression with the greatest variety of regions represented in their dances (see the video box above) and a mini concert of folk music. The kaleidoscopic folk dance marathon was crowned with the dazzling Polish Folk Dance Gala under the auspices of PFDAA (Polish Folk Dance Association of the Americas).
Another folk side of the Polish Fest was the polka dance music (polka is an official state dance of Wisconsin since 1993) played tirelessly on the “Non-Stop Polka Stage” and most of the time on other stages. Some bands arrived from as far as Connecticut (Polka Country Musicians), New York (The Knewz) and Canada (John Góra – inducted to the Polka Music Hall of Fame in 2011). But our eye caught the talented band Box On from Chicago, comprising Rick and Alicia Vinecki and six of their eight children (see the video to the right), and gifted polka dance teachers, Randy and Ashley Thull from Wisconsin.
For a change of pace and genre, many fest-goers assembled to enjoy the annual Chopin Youth Piano Competition and the amazing skills of its young contestants. There were three Wisconsin resident’s were among winners this year. In Junior Division (ages 10-14), Antonio Wu from Madison took the 1st place, while the 3rd place went to Wojciech Klos from Menomonee Falls. Antonio’s sister, Audrianna Wu, finished 3rd in Senior Division (ages 15-18)..
The 2017 Polish Fest food did not disappoint with many choices of traditional favorites (not to mention the Tyskie bear imported directly from Poland). Pierogi, potato pancakes, gołąbki, hunter’s stew and kiełbasa were available in various combinations, while local chefs let some of their secrets out during the “Cooking with the Polish Flair” demonstrations. But the fest is not just about feasting on Polish food. Helping to feed the hungry is also among its aims and this year about 7,550 lbs of food was collected for the Food Pantry (donating non-perishable foods scored the fest attendees a reduced or free admission). This was nearly a six-fold increase over 1300 lbs raised in 2016. Another venue for the same noble purpose was the 12th Cappuchins Run Walk For The Hungry – joined this year by over 1,500 participants.
On another note of altruism, the charity chosen to benefit from collections at the Catholic Mass traditionally held on the fest grounds on Sunday morning was again the Center for Blind Children in Laski, Poland. This year the mass celebrant was Father Timothy Kitzke, as always blending humor and life experiences into his homily. He is co-pastor of the Three Holy Women Parish including the Saint Hedwig Church, established by Polish immigrants on Milwaukee’s East Side in 1871 and named after the Queen Jadwiga of Poland (1373-1399, canonized in 1997). We remember Father Kitzke also as a recipient of the 2016 Congressman Clement Zablocki Civic Achievement Award
Archived Posts
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- 2024 Independence Day and Veteran Day invitation
- 80th Anniversary of the 1944 Warsaw Uprising
- 2024 Wianki Festival
- 2024 Polish Constitution Day in Wisconsin
- 2023 Merry Christmas
- 2023 Lighting the Light of Freedom on Dec 13 at 7:30pm
- Independence Day and Veteran Day invitation
- 2023 Wianki Festival
- 2023 May 3rd Constitution Day Celebration
- 2023 Lecture on Polish Borders by Prof. Don Pienkos
- 2023 REMEMBER THIS: Jan Karski movie premieres on PBS Wisconsin
- 2023 Upcoming lectures in the Polish Center of Wisconsin
- 2022 Polish National Independence Day
- 2022 Independence and Veteran Day Luncheon (invitation)
- 2022 Wianki, Polish Celebration of Noc Świętojańska (St. John’s Night)
- Celebrating Constitution of May 3, 1791 in Polish Center of Wisconsin
- 2022 Polish Constitution Day, Polish Flag Day and the Day of Polonia
- 2022 March Bulletin
- 2022 Polonia For Ukraine Donations
- 2022 Polish American Congress Condemns Russian Invasion of Ukraine
- 2022 PAC-WI State Division Letters to WI Senators and Representatives
- 2021 Polish Christmas Carols
- 2021 Panel Discussion: Martial Law in Poland 1981-1983 (REPORT)
- 2021 Panel Discussion: Martial Law. Poland 1981-1983 (invitation)
- 2021 Solidarity: Underground Publishing and Martial Law 1981-1983
- 2021 Polish Independence Day and Veterans Day
- 2021 Polish Independence Day and Veterans Day Luncheon
- 2021 Prof. Pienkos lecture: Polish Vote in US Presidential Elections
- 2021 “Freedom” Monument Unveiled in Stevens Point, Wisconsin
- 2021 PCW Picnic and Fair
- 2021 Remembering Września Children Strikes (1901-1903)
- 2021 May 3 Constitution Day
- 2021 DYKP Contest Winners and Answers
- 2021 February announcements
- 2021 Polish Ministry of Education and Science oficials visit Wisconsin
- 2021 DYKP Contest, KF Gallery and Dr. Pease lectures
- 2020 Help Enact Resolution commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Katyn Massacre
- 2020 Independence And Veterans Day
- 2020 Remembering Paderewski
- 2020 Solidarity born 40 years ago
- 2020 Battle of Warsaw Centenary
- 2020 The Warsaw Rising Remembrance
- 2020 June/July News: Polish Elections, Polish Films Online and more
- 2020 Poland: Virtual Tours
- Centennial of John Paul II’s Birth
- 2020 Celebrating Polish Flag, Polonia and Constitution of May 3rd
- 2020 Polish Easter Traditions
- 2020 Census and Annual Election
- Flavor of Poland (Update 3)
- 2020 Copernicus, Banach & Enigma talk
- 2020 Do You Know Poland and other announcements
- 2020 Flavor of Poland (Update 2)
- 2020 People and Events of the Year
- 2019 Holidays
- 2019 December Medley
- 2019 Independence Celebration
- 2019 Independence Invitation
- 2019 WI Study in Poland Reports
- Lecture: Poland’s Entry Into the NATO
- August 2019 anniversaries
- 2019 Polish Fest
- Celebrating Polish Constitution and Ignacy Paderewski
- WSIP 2018 Reports (Wisconsin Study in Poland)
- 2018 Christmas Carols
- 2018 Polish Independence and Veterans Day
- November 2018 events
- October 2018 Events
- 2018 Kashube Lecture Notes
- September 2018 events
- 2018 Polish Fest Report
- Upcoming 2018 Polish Fest
- Celebrating Polish Constitution Day
- Poland 1979-1989 (panel discussion)
- Protest the Passage of S.447 in the U.S. House of Representatives
- STOP H.R.1226
- 2018 People and Events