Upcoming 2018 Polish Fest

Short announcement:

Polish violinist, Mateusz Smoczynski, will perform in the North Street Cabaret Madison, WI on June 19th, 6:30pm (Click here for more information)
Mateusz was voted the VIOLINIST OF THE YEAR in the 2017 JAZZ Top survey by the Jazz Forum, an official journal of the European Jazz Federation


Highlights of the upcoming celebration
of Polish pride, heritage and tradition

The 37th edition of Polish Fest will take place again on the Summerfest grounds near Milwaukee’s lakefront. Scheduled this year for June 15, 16 and 17, the Polish Fest program includes exuberant performances of folk dance groups, polka music played continuously on several stages, variety of traditional Polish foods as well as sampling of Polish spirits. The youngest participants might enjoy many age-appropriate performances and contests such as the Chopin Youth Piano Competition and pageants. And everybody will have a chance to pick up some Polish souvenirs and learn new skills by watching folk-artists at work and Polish cooking demonstrations. The Speakers Forum will also provide opportunities to learn more about Polish history & language and get insights useful to all curious about their ancestry (see the listing below).

photo gallery

While the 2017 Polish Fest featured many accents linked to the bicentennial of Tadeusz Kościuszko, some events of the 2018 Polish Fest will highlight the 100th anniversary of Poland’s Independence. Among them expect to see the exhibit of Polish architecture from years 1918-1939 – courtesy of Poland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Polish American Congress – Wisconsin Division has prepared for this jubilee year the brochure Centennial of Poland’s Rebirth summarizing the key events leading to Poland regaining its sovereignty in 1918 and their prime movers. The printed copy of this leaflet will be available in the PAC-Wisconsin booth along with a variety of other printed materials promoting the knowledge about Poland and our organization. These materials will include also the newly revised brochure Do you know Poland?

Here is the lineup of main events in the Speakers Forum:

Finding Babcia’s Grandma – From Where Did Your Polish Ancestors Leave?
Steve Szabados, Genealogy Columnist for the Polish American Journal and Author
Friday June 15th, 2:00-3:00 p.m.

100 Years of US-Polish Relations, 1918-2018
Dr. Neal Pease, Professor of History (UW-Milwaukee)
Friday June 15th, 4:00-5:00 p.m.

Let’s Remember Marie Skłodowska Curie! What a Century of Anniversary Celebrations of Her Milestone Years (1867,1898,1903,1911) Tell Us
Dr. Helena Pycior, Professor of History, Emerita (UW-Milwaukee)
Saturday June 16th, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

A Look Back: The 100th Anniversary of Poland’s Rebirth and Its Significance
(panel discussion)
Dr. Donald Pienkos, Professor of Political Science, Emeritus (UW-Milwaukee)
Dr. Neal Pease, Professor of History (UW-Milwaukee)
Saturday June 16th, 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Poland’s Rebirth: Three Who Made It Happen:
A Soldier, a Politician, and a Virtuous Pianist

Dr. Donald Pienkos, Professor of Political Science, Emeritus (UW-Milwaukee)
Saturday June 16th, 3:30-4:30 p.m.

The Struggle for Independence in America:
Polish Workers and the Eight-Hour Movement of 1886

John Gurda, Milwaukee-born writer and historian
Sunday June 17th, 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Sunday, June 10th, 2018 Newsletter

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