2022 Polonia For Ukraine Donations

Polish American Congress calls for action
to help the Ukrainian refuges in Poland

Living for centuries under the shadow of Russian aggression, Poland responded with an astounding generosity to Ukrainians fleeing their country after Russian invasion began on February 24, 2022. So far over 1,300,000 refuges have poured into Poland and more are still on the way. These huge numbers notwithstanding, they are welcomed with sympathy and assistance offered by the various branches of government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), businesses, and individual citizens – some housing the refuges in their own homes (read more on the PAC website).


To download the flier, click on the image above or on the red text below
► PAC Radiothon ◄

Here’s how you can help:

To support organizations that provide relief to the victims of Russian aggression, please consider donating to the POLONIA FOR UKRAINE fund. Through the Council on Aid to Ukrainians of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), the money will be distributed to cover medical needs for citizens in Ukraine and refugee needs in Poland.

Here is a link to donate by PayPal or credit card
► Credit, debit or PayPal ◄

Donations can be made also by writing checks payable to Polish American Congress (memo line – Polonia for Ukraine), and sending them to: PAC Treasurer Micheline Jaminski, 984 North Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60642 or delivering to Polish National Alliance, 6100 N. Cicero Ave, Chicago, IL 60646.

You can also make a pledge or donation by calling Polish Daily News at (773)763-3343 during the “Polonia for Ukraine” Radiothon aired on WPNA 103.1 FM (wpna.fm) at the following times:
Friday, March 11th, 6am-6pm; Saturday, March 12, 8am-6pm; Sunday, March 13, 10am-2pm.

Another option is the POLAND’S UKRAINIAN ASSISTANCE FUND established in the Polish Center of Wisconsin in Franklin WI. Avoiding the overhead costs, all monetary donations to this fund will go directly to the trusted people providing relief “on the ground zero” in Poland.

The HELP UKRAINE NOW fund, set up by the NYC-based Kosciuszko Foundation under the motto “Stand With Ukraine: For Your Freedom & Ours, ” adopted a similar mode of funds distribution. In fact, the foundation’s president is working in person on the Polish-Ukrainian border and among other deeds, has opened to the refugees his own house located close to the border.

To round off the list of choices, the Embassy of Poland in Washington D.C. suggests donating to these Polish humanitarian aid organizations that accept donations in foreign currencies:2021 KF gallery

Last edits on March 28, 2022

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