Archive for September, 2015

Please Attend the General Membership Meeting – September 26, 2015


Saturday, September 26, 2015
10:00 a.m.
(Executive Meeting at 9:00 a.m.)

Polish Center of Wisconsin
6941 S. 68th Street
Franklin, WI 53132

This is an important meeting as we will be focusing on Membership Recruitment!

September 11, 2015

Dear Polish American Congress – Wisconsin Division Member,

I look forward to seeing all of our members at our next General Membership Meeting to be held on Saturday, September 26th.  We have much to discuss

Besides a lively discussion, delicious coffee & goodies, and great fellowship, we’ll have some door prizes.  Let’s have a fantastic meeting working and sharing our Polish heritage together!  Please plan to attend. 

PAC-WI is focusing on several important initiatives.  These will be discussed on Saturday, September 26th.

  • Kathy Wieczorek, PAC-WI Division Vice President for Public Relations, and Steve Pienkos, Vice President for Membership, have requested that we initiate a drive to increase our membership.  They need our help.  Please invite a friend, neighbor, or relative who might be a prospective member to the September 26th meeting.  ANYONE WHO BRINGS A POTENTIAL MEMBER TO OUR SEPTEMBER 26th MEETING WILL RECEIVE A SPECIAL ITEM IN APPRECIATION FOR HIS/HER EFFORT.  
  • Membership is a key to any successful organization.  I will present a 10-15 minute presentation about the importance and history of the Polish American Congress.  I will also explain the efforts of our organization over the past few years, including our extraordinary efforts to promote the Jan Karski Exhibit, as well as highlight the many special anniversaries we celebrated in 2014 related to Poland.
  • Kathy and Judith Free, our PAC-WI Division Treasurer, are planning some delicious foods to enjoy during our meeting.  Their hospitality is greatly appreciated!

Other items to be discussed include:

  1. Polish Independence Day/Veterans Day luncheon scheduled for Sunday, November 8, 2015 at the Polish Center of Wisconsin.  Invitations will be mailed to you, as well as several other guests.  Your attendance at this annual PAC-WI event is crucial.  Please RSVP early to insure your reservation.
  2. The following outstanding individuals will be honored with the Congressman Clement Zablocki “Civic Achievement Award” in November: Mrs. Teresa Jankowski, Mr. Jose Perez, Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Gloria Shire, Dr. Waclaw Szybalski, and the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Libraries.
  3. I will report on the recent Polish American Congress meeting held in Washington, D.C.
  4. General Secretary, Ann Pienkos, will report on our booth at Polish Fest.  Many thanks to all who volunteered to help, as well as attend Polish Fest.
  5. Officer Reports.
  6. Organization Reports.

I also want to thank Anne Wal for volunteering once again in leading the silent auction effort at our November event.  Anne has done a remarkable job in gathering items for the silent auction.  But, she also needs your help.  Please bring any items you would like to donate for the silent auction to our September 26th meeting.  If you know someone who would like to donate a restaurant gift card, please ask that individual to do so for a very worthy cause.

Our organization is vibrant!  We have much to celebrate.  Your involvement is crucial to our organization’s success.  Please ask yourselfWhere would PAC-WI be without my involvement?”  That’s why your attendance at the upcoming Saturday, September 26th General Membership Meeting is so important.  When we are together, we are strong.  We have much to celebrate: our Polish heritage, our traditions, and our friendships!

Once again, please place Sunday, November 8, 2015 on your calendar – the date for our annual “Polish Independence Day/Veterans Day” luncheon.  Let’s make this another big success!

As always, I am proud to serve you!  Bardzo Dziekuje!

Mark Pienkos, President
Polish American Congress – Wisconsin Division   or   262-325-8039



Friday, September 11th, 2015 Newsletter No Comments

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