Archive for February, 2019

WSIP 2018 Reports (Wisconsin Study in Poland)







     From reports of the 2018 WSIP recipients
        Wisconsin Study in Poland Scholarship


Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for granting me the opportunity to spend such a formative summer in beautiful Krakow, Poland. Not only was my experience incredibly enjoyable in a recreational sense, it was also very beneficial to my development as a professional and as a person. (James Johnson-Adamczyk)

My goal going into the language classes was to become somewhat fluent in Polish, which was a hefty goal but which I felt I did meet. I really enjoyed being able to see and be immersed into another culture, and feel happy with the amount of knowledge I gained and the fluency I attained in the A1 Polish class, even though it’s far from being truly fluent. It was a challenging course, but I’m so grateful to have had great instruction and feel the Pole in myself more than ever before having spent a month in Poland and becoming acquainted with the basics of Polish
language. The language, as well as Polish history and The Jews in Poland, classes were intriguing and have left me with a desire to learn more about history and language all around the world. (Julia Greshik)

Perhaps most impactful aspect of all, however, is the invaluable familiarity I gained with Poland and her culture. I knew terribly little about Polish history, for example, before the start of the program. I was engrossed in the history lectures at Jagiellonian, and one major question I have now is why so much of the focus on medieval Europe in my education had been on England and France rather than Poland. (James Johnson-Adamczyk)

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Kraków and am eager to experience more of Poland and other European countries. This was a one of a kind study abroad I was so fortunate to experience; words can’t do Kraków or the study abroad trip justice: It was magical. Living in another country proved to be easier to adjust to than I had thought, and I feel as though Poland is my second home. (Julia Greshik)

As an aside, I earnestly believe that Polish food is the best food in Europe, better than even Italian and French cuisine. I say this objectively, as objective as an opinion on food can be, in that I eschew the prestige given to French and Italian food that is unfortunately not afforded to Polish food.

Poland is a unique country, and one that will be in my heart forever. I very much cherish my time spent there so far, and I look forward to the future when I am there again. My experiences there will continue to shape the way I see the world and for that I must once again thank those who made my education financially possible. (James Johnson-Adamczyk)

Saturday, February 23rd, 2019 Newsletter No Comments

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